The PoMo
English Title Generator
Guaranteed to liberate Humanities Professors, Graduate
Students, and Undergrads from the onerous burdens of anything that
even resembles "original thought."

The PoMo English Title
Generator will rule the world for a thousand years!
Heidegger |

The PoMo English Title
Generator is a perfect manifestation of disciplinary technology.
The author is truly dead!
M. Foucault |

The PoMo English Title
Generator is a marvelous demonstration of the multiplicity of uses
to which words can be put in the academic language game!
Wittgenstein |

The PoMo English Title
Generator unmasks the ideologies upon which bourgeois control of
the academic means of production depend!
K. Marx |
to lay down the burden of rational thought.
Enter the Title Generator by choosing your link below . . .

God is dead. Who has killed him, you ask? The PoMo English
Title Generator!
Nietzsche |

The PoMo English Title
Generator brings us all one step closer to recollecting our lost
knowledge of the Forms!
Plato |
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editing/proofreading a paper? |